Kim Dotcom Hints at New Crypto Venture

  • Kim Dotcom lectured Tone Vays on the importance of user experience for mass adoption.
  • Despite the failure of his recent IEO the internet entrepreneur seems determined to be a big driver of cryptocurrency adoption.

Illustration from Freepik

Following a surprise visit on Tone Vays’s “On the record” interview series, German-Finnish entrepreneur and political activist Kim Dotcom has hinted at a new cryptocurrency-related project of his. No specifics have been revealed as of yet, but in his usual style the Megaupload founder has already begun hyping up his new endeavour.

His tweet features a video snipped reposted by Roger Ver’s in which Dotcom lectures Bitcoin maximalist and On the Record host Tone Vays about user experience and BTC’s lack thereof.

The Megaupload founder is no stranger to controversy and has managed to fully capitalise on the awkward situation caused by his opinion about Bitcoin Cash and Tone Vays’s former debate opponent.

His tweet has since become popular with the Bitcoin Cash community, making it one of the most liked and retweeted comments that Dotcom has published in recent months.

With no specifics on Kim Dotcom’s future plans for cryptocurrency being revealed, many have accused the internet entrepreneur of hyping up empty promises – an accusation that is often thrown at Megaupload’s founder.

However, his tweet could simply be an announcement of his planned dedication to cryptocurrency. Either way, Dotcom’s hyping skills have proven a self-fulfilling prophecy in the past, as few would argue the worldwide popularity of his previous endeavours.

This is not the internet entrepreneur’s first attempt at creating a cryptocurrency project. He has not seen much success in the niche either – his IEO on Bitfinex was cancelled due to regulatory risks.

He is still facing extradition to the United States and given how reluctant existing businesses are to associating themselves with him, privacy coins are a potential candidate for Dotcom’s attention.

Speculation and drama aside, the On the Record episode did cover a significant number of points that all participants could agree on – namely the fact that with barely 2% of internet users being exposed to cryptocurrency, there is huge potential for growth.

Statistician Willy Woo agreed that reaching 16% should be perfectly possible – and Kim Dotcom’s marketing skills could play a huge role in future growth.

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